Autocad 2015 download

AutoCAD 2015 Top New Features

autocad 2015

AutoCAD 2015 has a lot of exciting new features for the core AutoCAD product.  Here is a list of CAD Masters’ top new features, in no particular order, that can be of great use for almost any AutoCAD user in any discipline.

Printable/Plotable Online Maps – Imaging New Feature

Online maps are now printable/plotable as long as you capture the map.  This was a major feature that was missing from AutoCAD 2014’s imaging service.

Lasso Selection – Drafting New Feature

Instead of having to use Crossing Polygon (CP) or Window Polygon (WP), it is now possible to use the Lasso Selection tool instead.  By default this is initiated by picking the left mouse, holding the left mouse button, and then dragging in the drawing.  Start to drag left for a crossing lasso and drag right for an enclosing lasso.

The only downside that we’ve found to this new feature is that it is almost too fun to use.  Eventually the novelty should wear out though, and it should greatly increase your productivity.

Model Space Viewport Resizing – Interface New Feature

Model space viewports can now be resized manually instead of being set at a fixed ratio.  Use the VPORTS command to create multiple viewports.  The dividing viewport splitters can be resized much like any of the other palettes in the AutoCAD interface.  If you select the intersection of multiple viewports, you can even resize horizontally and vertically simultaneously.

Block Galleries – Ribbon New Feature

Block Galleries in the Ribbon let you quickly access blocks in the current drawing.  This works great for smaller drawings and lets you quickly access and create any block you need.  It’s also a great incentive to keep your drawing purged and only the most relevant blocks loaded into the drawing.

Text Align – Command New Feature

As always, some of the simplest commands are our favorites.  There is now a new command called TEXTALIGN that will automatically line up text.  It allows you to change the orientation, as well as move all the text to a new reference line.  It’s a wonderful addition to the core AutoCAD commands and should save a lot of time when working on details.

How to install and crack Autocad 2015: Here
Autocad  21015-32bit full crack

Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part01
Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part02
Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part03
Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part04
Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part05
Autodesk Autocad 2015 x86.part06

Autocad  21015-64bit full crack


Autocad 2011-32bit:
AutoCAD 2015 Installation GuideHere 

AutoCAD 2011 Installation Guide: Here

Another version:
autocad 2012 - 64bit : here
Crack autocad 2012 (32/64bit): here
AutoCAD 2012 Installation Guide here

autocad 2013 (32/64bit) : here
AutoCAD 2013 Installation Guide: here

autocad 2014 (32/64bit) : here
AutoCAD 2014 Installation Guide: here

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